What information we collect & process
We ask for your name and contact details which are known as ‘personal data’. This personal data is only collected when you complete a contact form or when you send an email through the links provided on this website. This information is only processed to allow us to respond to your enquiry or deliver our service. We have determined that ‘legitimate interests’ is the most appropriate lawful basis for how we collect and use date you share. We do not use this information for marketing purposes.
Marketing 'OPT-IN'
We provide a direct marketing 'news letter' through a sign-up form within this website. This newsletter uses a 'Double Opt-in' process to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This process requires subscribers to OPT-IN their interest in receiving such marketing communications from us. You are also given the opportunity to unsubscribe with each communication we send. We utilise the services of Mail Chimp to collect and store your subscription details, and for the delivery of each newsletter. Mail Chimp provide their own privacy policy.
Current clients are automatically added to a dedicated mailing list to allow Nemetona Media to share contractual and service information. Inclusion on this dedicated list is contractual and forms part of our service agreement.
Online Payments & Deliveries
We utilise the services of PayPal to process our payments. When you complete the checkout process you are forwarded to PayPal's secure and encryted servers before you are asked to enter any billing and payment details. Our website does not collect or store any of this sensitive financial information, and PayPal do not share this information with us, other than to confirm payment has been received, and the delivery details for your purchase. PayPal have their own security and privacy policies
When we need to ship a product or service, or send you paperwork in relation to our service, we will share your postal information with the courier/postal service. This information is shared so that we can provide the service you have purchased. it will not be used in any other way by these postal service providers.
What are Cookies?
Cookies are small text files which are stored by the browser on your computer. Only the information that you provide, or the choices you make while visiting a website, can be stored in a cookie. Allowing a website to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read it. Learn more about cookies - https://www.aboutcookies.org
Our use of Cookies and how to opt out:
We use cookies to monitor how people use our site, provide the services and features offered on our website, and to improve our user experience. Some of the cookies described above are stored on your machine by third parties when you use our website. We have no control over these cookies or how the third parties use them. If you prefer not to use cookies, you can choose to delete or disable cookies within your browser settings at any time.
For more information about these controls, visit your browser or device's help material. All modern browsers provide a setting that allows a user to block third-party cookies. Please note that if you delete or disable our cookies, this may impact functionality in certain areas of the website
Purpose of cookies for our website
Session cookies – Often used for 'Shopping Cart' and to remember which pages you visited, or for when you use the 'Back' button. Once you close your browser or log out, the cookie will expire and be deleted.
Persistent cookies – Can be used to store information or settings about you to improve your experience on a website. For example, “Remember me” cookies which store your username and password when you visit a site. This is not used to identify you: only to make logging into a website faster and more convenient.
Third Party cookies – These are cookies placed by another website or service i.e. it has a different address to the one you see in your browser’s address bar: in other words a third-party. They are used to allow that third party to provide a service to us. Examples include cookies created by Google's services (Google Analytics, Google AdSense), cookies stored when you share content on social sites (such as Facebook/Twitter) and those created by advertisements served from a different website (which is very common).
Third party cookies possibly used by this website
Provider: Google
Purpose: enable Google functionalities such as Google search, Maps, Analytics, Youtube
Policy: http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/policies/privacy/
Provider: Facebook
Purpose: enable social sharing and like
Policy: http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/
If you have any questions regarding the above policy please contact us